Workshops can help turn small business into big business -- Michelle Kantor quoted in The Lane Report


The Kentucky Procurement Technical Assistance Center, part of the Kentucky Small Business Development Center within the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, is hosting two important workshops in Frankfort later this month.

The workshops, to run in concurrent sessions from 9 a.m. to noon and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. EDT Thursday, Aug. 27, at the Frankfort Convention Center are:

  • Finding and Winning Simplified Acquisitions to Grow Your Business; and,
  • Joint Ventures, Teaming, Mentor Protégé Agreements and Federal Laws Impacting Your Bottom Line.

The federal government uses a purchasing vehicle, Simplified Acquisition Procedures, to help small businesses secure government contracts. This reduces the stress in obtaining federal contracts by providing maximum opportunity to meet small business concerns. Uncle Sam has also added new program changes to create more opportunities for small businesses within the federal government. These sessions will offer a wealth of knowledge on how to win federal contracts to those with a business already working with government contracts or those looking to grow revenue.

“Small businesses are missing opportunities with the federal government,” said Dee Dee Harbut, Kentucky Procurement Technical Assistance Center director. “Billions of dollars are being awarded to large companies that should be going to small businesses. We are offering these free workshops to educate Kentucky businesses on how to take advantage of these opportunities and grow their revenue with federal contracting.”

Joint Ventures, Teaming, Mentor Protégé Agreements & Federal Laws Impacting Your Bottom Line.

Michelle F. Kantor, partner in the law firm McDonald Hopkins, heads up the federal government contracting practice group. She has more than 28 years of experience in federal and local government contracting, procurement law, corporate law and small business program certifications.

Kantor will guide attendees through the many important factors to consider when pursuing joint ventures, mentor protégé and other teaming opportunities. It is crucial to understand the legal and financial requirements, along with other potential risks before a teaming or joint venture agreement is prepared.


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